Dental Care & Your Kids: How to Establish Great Habits
A little nudging today can lead to great confidence tomorrow
Strong, healthy teeth are important for your children, for two key reasons. Regular brushing and flossing can prevent plaque buildup, which is a precursor for gum diseases like gingivitis. And a great smile can boost your child’s confidence, which works wonders for their self-esteem and happiness. But if your little one isn’t exactly thrilled about oral care, how can you get their buy-in?
There are a few simple but critical strategies.
Make It Fun
Treat oral care less like a chore and more like a family adventure. Brush and floss with your kids, so they know it’s something everyone in the household does – it’s not a punishment. You can also show them the proper technique and help them make adjustments. Additionally, you can work in songs or educational videos to add an extra element of fun to the routine.
Try Some Rewards
Children love receiving rewards for great behavior. It’s a simple way to reinforce important lessons and keep them engaged. Try giving them a sticker, a gold star, or some other low-cost reward for brushing regularly. You can issue one for every brushing session, and then extend a bigger reward once they hit a milestone (e.g., 30 minutes of cartoons for 5 consecutive days of brushing).
Use Kids’ Products
Adult toothpastes and toothbrushes might seem appealing to you, but your kids need something brighter, bolder, and better-tasting. Look for gamified products like singing toothbrushes, or toothpastes with tasty flavors and their favorite movie characters on the tube. Help them make the connection between the activities they like and the ones they need for great oral health.
Children aren’t naturally drawn to habits that are good for them, but with a little prodding, they can build a strong foundation for oral health today – and a great, healthy smile tomorrow.